Yoga Certification Bali
Located in a serene setting surrounded by rice terraces and forests, this yoga certification bali teacher training course is an authentic experience. With a focus on learning through practice and deepening the understanding of yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology, you will leave with skills to take your practice to the next level and teach with confidence.
Offering a wide range of included extras in addition to 2 yoga classes a day, this YTT is a top pick. As well as a range of excursions and spa time, you will also benefit from a dedicated teacher training room with sea views, posture clinics, and lectures. This particular course has a strong emphasis on yoga teaching, with around 80% of the program devoted to it.
Achieve Your Dreams: Yoga Certification in Bali – Your Path to Teaching Excellence
This YTT is based on the tranquil island of Nusa Lembongan, offering stunning views across the ocean and neighbouring islands. With a beautiful yoga studio set in the heart of the village, this training is ideal for those looking to find balance in their lives and learn to be a yoga teacher. With a focus on alignment, the use of props, and the merging of the East and West, this YTT offers a truly unique experience.
This is a YTT with a focus on empowering women through the power of yoga and the Yin yoga practice. This is a more restorative yoga form and focuses on opening up the hips, releasing tension in the body and mind.