Davis Dozen


How to Find the Best House Painters

How to Find the Best House Painters

Painting a house can be a huge job that requires lots of equipment and time. Whether you’re trying to sell your home or just want it to look better, hiring a professional can be worth the investment.

Can you negotiate the price of a painting?

Often, the first step in finding a great house painter is to talk with your real estate agent. They will be able to give you a good idea of what the cost will be and how long it will take. They can also recommend painters that have worked with them in the past. Other options for finding a reliable company are to ask for referrals from friends and family or check out reviews online.

Some house painters work as independent contractors, while others are part of a larger union apprenticeship. Regardless of the size of the company, they should be licensed and insured. It’s important to get a detailed estimate, and to make sure the cost of labor is broken out from the price of materials.

It’s also a good idea to ask about the painters’ experience and training. They should be knowledgeable about the different types of paints and what works best in your specific area.

If you’re painting a brand new home, you will likely find that the prep work is much less than in an older home with lots of sanding and priming to do. A professional should be able to provide you with a clear timeline and will usually have a crew working on the project, which can help reduce the total time it takes.

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